Hello, I am


aka Yujing Lin



About Me

I am an NLP model engineer at Microsoft.
I was the co-founder of Genki.
I love computer vision, natural language processing, open source, and decentralization.

You don't need to know but...

I am a KPOP fan, an anime fan, a dancer and a shutterbug.



I published an idol group ranker to support the idol survival show PRODUCE 101 JAPAN THE GIRLS.

I've been working on an OpenAI-related project since I returned to Microsoft in March.

I led a team of 7 to participate in Hack-a-TONx w/ DoraHacks, a.k.a TON Hackathon, and we got the Top 10 ($5,000 Award) out of 233 builds. We are 1TON.

We also won the 1st Prize of Taipei TON Hackathon. There were around 50 applications in total, and 8 teams were selected to attend the on-site competition.

Genki, my startup, was selected as one of the teams in AppWorks Accelerator Batch #25.


NLP Model Engineer at Microsoft
Mar. 2023 - Current, Visual Document Intelligence. We build Azure Form Recognizer with OpenAI.

CTO / Co-Founder of Genki
Jul. 2022 - Feb. 2023, Web 3.0 Marketing Solutions

NLP Model Engineer at Microsoft
Jan. 2020 - Jun. 2022, Visual Document Intelligence. We build Azure Form Recognizer.

NLP Research Intern at DeepQ, HTC
Jan. 2019 - Jun. 2019, Deep Learning Team

NLP Research Intern at Yahoo, Oath
Jul. 2018 - Aug. 2018, APAC Data Team


Speaker of COSCUP 2019
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Track


RA-GAN: Multi-domain Image-to-Image Translation via Relative Attributes.
Po-Wei Wu, Yu-Jing Lin, Che-Han Chang, Edward Y. Chang, Shih-wei Liao. ICCV 2019 (Cited by 187) [arXiv]

An Evaluation of Bitcoin Address Classification based on Transaction History Summarization.
Yu-Jing Lin, Po-Wei Wu, Cheng-Han Hsu, I-Ping Tu, Shih-wei Liao. ICBC 2019 (Oral Speaker) (Cited by 90) [arXiv]

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Playing 2.5D Fighting Games.
Yu-Jhe Li, Hsin-Yu Chang, Yu-Jing Lin, Po-Wei Wu, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang. ICIP 2018 (Cited by 13) [arXiv]

Personalized Difficulty Adjustment for Countering the Double-Spending Attack in Proof-of-Work Consensus Protocols.
Chi-Ning Chou, Yu-Jing Lin, Ren Chen, Hsiu-Yao Chang, I-Ping Tu, Shih-wei Liao. Blockchain 2018 (Oral Speaker) (Cited by 11) [arXiv]

Generating Anime Faces from Human Faces with Adversarial Networks.
Yu-Jing Lin, Chiou-Shann Fuh. CVGIP 2018


M.S., CSIE, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Sep. 2017 - Jul. 2019, AI and Blockchain Lab

Exchange Program, CS, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis
Sep. 2016 - Dec. 2016

B.S., Major in Computer Science and Minor in Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Sep. 2013 - Jun. 2017

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